Daly City


The Daly City qualifier was our second and last qualifier for the 2015/2016 season! Unfortunately, we ran into hardware and software issues but we were quite happy with the performace of our robot. We had a well designed robot which could score cubes into the high goal and we were able to do this consistently throughout the competition. Furthermore, our drive train and pick up worked perfectly.


Our strategy for this qualifier was quite simple.

We primarily focused on getting the ability to score cubes in particular because more cubes could fit in each basket.

We accomplished this action by using a lift and dumb mechanism.

Our drive train was efficient on the floor but was not able to consistently get over the first churro.

During autonomous, our robot was able to do nothing and stayed in place.

Most of our points were scored in the Tele-op period and the last 30 seconds of the match.


The drivetrain, pick up, and lift mechanism worked consistently and the only problems we faced came from electrical connections. The highest we scored was 199 during Semifinal 1.

Match 1

Match 2

Match 3

Match 4

Semifinal 1

Semifinal 2

Semifinal 3